S.T.A.R. Guild Aug. ’20 Meeting Report

S.T.A.R. Guild Aug. ’20 Meeting Report

We had our Aug. ’20 online skype meeting and covered a lot of planetary territory. We reported on what we have been experiencing under Mars in Aries square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. We all have stories and some owies.

We can make the planets work for us by noting their energy potential and what we might apply it to. Mars and Aries are fuel energy. The planets in Capricorn represent many methods of achieving goals. So we should be pouring energy into achieving our goals in optimistic, potent, and sensible ways. That’s Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn.

Keep in mind that Jupiter and Saturn will move from Capricorn to Aquarius in mid December. Also, Mars will move out of Aries in early January. So, the square is over and two planets are in a different place. These are huge changes that end a long term situation that we are experiencing now. Aquarius is the sign of humanity. It is pictured as the man pouring out water to the southern fish. What event could happen at this time that would be important for humanity? A vaccine could happen. Our Robin, a psychic, when asked about the time period of December, said that she heard “Aquarius” and “celebrations”.

Our Skype experience is improving and our electronics cooperated. We had some local members and others from Winnipeg, Eustis, Orlando, and Arizona. We missed our friend from California.

On Sept. 11th, Friday, we will have a virtual happy hour at 7 pm combining astrology and fun. We’ll make a toast to the memory of the people lost.

On Sept. 22nd our regular skype meeting at 6 pm will feature a presentation on transpersonal astrology by one of our members.

On Oct. 27th at 6 pm we will try to predict who will win the election and why.

Call me if you need me; skype readings are very nice.

To connect with us for our meetings, message me on skype at leslie marlar.

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77


Hermetician Church of Light ’93


Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90