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Ca. Fire, Feb. ’25 Newsletter, Jan. ’25 Newsletter, Dec . ’24 Newsletter, Nov. Newsletter, The Apr 8 ’24 Eclipse, Hamas/Israel War under Articles, Evidence & Synchronicity, Zelenskyy, Putin, & Ukraine, Tom Brady, the G.O.A.T., Neil Armstrong, Andrew, Camille, & Michael, The Bible & Astrology. Shakespeare & Astrology, Spacex Falcon 9

Ca. fire. Note the Moon in fire sign Aries square extreme Pluto and square troublesome Mars. Our hearts go out to them.

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, Feb. ’25

STAR Guild meets on the 28th and we have plenty of events to discuss. In Feb. on the 25th we will meet and discuss the astrology of events and people in the news, and whatever the group wants.

In January a number of events happened. The Sun was in ambitious Capricorn until the 19th , and then it went into theoretical Aquarius. As it went into Aquarius it connected with Pluto, who has not been in Aquarius since the early years of this country. Pluto is extreme and the Sun is important. We’ll look at the extreme events that happened as they come up.

On Dec 29th, a plane crashed at Muan airport in Soko and killed 179 souls. Mars was opposing Pluto and the Ascendant was with Pluto and opposing Mars.

On Jan 1, there was a terrorist attack in New Orleans. Violent Mars was opposing extreme Pluto and the Moon was with Pluto and oppose Mars.

On Jan 6th with the Moon in leadership sign, Aries, Trudeau stated that he would step down.

On the 7th the California fires near Los Angeles started. Mars was opposed Pluto and the Moon was late in fire sign, Aries, squaring Pluto and Mars. The fires are still burning.

On Jan 10th, President Trump was sentenced. The Moon was in Gemini, his Sun sign, an important day.

On the 14th a news report focused on the illegal gold mine deaths in S. Africa, where 36 died in a mishap. The Moon was in gold sign, Leo, the sign of the Sun.

Also on the 14th, the Israel/Hamas cease fire came through. Israel has 5 bodies in Leo.

From mid-January, Mars was with stars Pollux and then Castor. This places emphasis on Mars. (These are the bright stars in constellation Gemini. Pollux was a boxer and Castor a tamer of horses. And they were heroes to the Greeks in mythology.)

On the 19th with the Moon in people sign and legal sign, Libra, 3 hostages were released and President Biden gave pardons to 5 in politics.

On the 20th, President Trump was inaugurated, did many executive orders and right before the inauguration President Biden pardoned his family. The Moon was still in legal sign, Libra, where Trump has his Jupiter.

On the 21st, under a Moon phase, (Moon in Scorpio square Sun in Aquarius) it snowed buckets in N. Florida and along the Gulf coast, the Gulf of America. The Sun was early in cold sign, Aquarius with extreme Pluto.

With the Sun in futuristic Aquarius and still near Pluto, we have seen an EO on bitcoin and a planned investment of 500 billion for A.I. On the 27th, the market was down due to the details of a Chinese A.I. Company.

On the 29th a military helicopter collided with an American Airlines passenger plane over the Potomac. 67 souls were lost. Mercury in Air sign Aquarius ruled the chart and was very close to extreme Pluto. The Ascendant was also oppose Saturn. The Moon was square Uranus.

On the 31st, a Learjet crashes in Philadelphia. 6 souls are lost. Mercury is still near Pluto in Aquarius, the Moon is with Saturn, and the Ascendant is square Uranus.

This month has shown huge data for the veracity of astrology.

I will be looking at days when a planet, like Mars, is connecting ( making a harsh aspect) with Pluto and then something like the Moon or Ascendant is connecting with them. These should be extreme events.

Early in the last week of April, there will be a lot of this activity.

In February we are looking at the following.

In February, fast moving bodies are in Aquarius and then Pisces. We are smart under Aquarius and insightful under Pisces.

Mercury is with Saturn in week 4. Our minds are on serious things and we may need a lift.

Jupiter is near the star, Adelbaran, the Torch, for the 2nd month. This may give good more power. And it could be associated with the Ca. fires. Jupiter is in the sign, Gemini which is windy. So, we have wind and fire in the Jupiter near Aldebaran combo. The Sun is near Fomalhaut, the mouth of the fish that receives the water from Aquarius, on the 22nd. This sounds like generosity and reception.

Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut are the royal stars, that use to mark the cardinal points.

In the lineup that we have been enjoying on clear nights, as of this writing, we see from west to east: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter near Aldebaran, and Mars near Castor and Pollux.

On inauguration day, Venus was very close to Saturn. We saw this expressed as Melania’s outfit. Venus is fashion and Saturn represents the ultimate tailored look. Incidentally she has modeled in Milan, Paris, and New York.

Full Moon in Leo on the afternoon of the 10th, the 11th, and most of the 12th is a creative and intellectual time.

New Moon in Pisces on the 27th and 28th is a new emotional and insightful start.

Fairly good days this month are: 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 24, 25, & 28.

Please visit my website. Join us at STAR Guild on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6 pm on Skype. And call if you need services.

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77

Hermetician Church of Light ’93

Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar Jan ’25

STAR Guild will meet on Jan 28th and look at the astrology of the coming year.

Something good is coming in early ’26 and lasts for years. We’ll get hints of it in summer of ’25. It is nice connections between outer planets in air and fire signs. It is very futuristic, and I am looking forward to all types of new discoveries, surprises, new power sources, and this having a sense of mythology.

Various events happened in Dec. ’24

In the northeast, especially New Jersey, unidentified drones have been sited since Nov. 18th. Pluto went into Aquarius on Nov. 19th. And will be there for 20 years. Pluto is about force and Aquarius is an air sign. A unknown presence in the air is appropriate. The literal translation of Pluto in Aquarius is air force.

President Biden pardoned Hunter on Dec. 1 with the Moon in Sagittarius, Biden ‘s personal rising sign.

On the 3rd, with the Moon in business sign, Capricorn, Luigi Mangione shot and killed Brian Thompson.

Mangione has the Sun next to Mars and square Uranus. The is a signature for unexpected trouble or violence.

At the time of the shooting, Sagittarius, the shooting sign was rising with the Sun. The Sun was oppose Jupiter and square Saturn; this is a major conflict pattern.

In Thompson’s chart, his Mars at 19 Leo is square Mangione’s Sun and Mars in Taurus at 15 and 17. This represents trouble between them.

On the 7th with the Moon in mystical Pisces, containing old Saturn and idealistic Neptune, Notre Dame reopened.

Also on the 7th, Syrian rebels came to power in Syria as Assad fled to Russia. Conflicts in Dec. are corresponding to Saturn square Jupiter and Mars oppose Pluto, which are planets in conflicted aspects. And many people died in Haiti and Sudan due to conflict on the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th.

Speaker Pelosi fell on Friday, the 13th and hurt her hip enough for it to be replaced. The Moon was in Taurus where she has Saturn, the Midheaven, Uranus, Venus, and Mars.

A School shooting happened on the 16th. Pluto and Venus were rising with Mars opposing them.

An earthquake happened at Port Vila, Vanuata. The Sun was square Neptune, “shaker of earth”.

On the 16th, with the Moon in Trump’s unfortunate 12th house, Mershan refused to drop his NY case. On the 19th with the Moon in Trump’s fortunate 1st house, the Fani Williams crew was thrown off the Ga. case.

The Kazakhstan plane crash on Dec 25th and the Soko plane crash on Dec 29th both happened under Mars in fire sign Leo oppose Pluto in air sign Aquarius.

President Jimmy Carter died on the 29th. The Mars Pluto opposition was squaring his Saturn. RIP.

January ’25

Awareness of upcoming conflict and discord tells us when we should be especially circumspect.

Mars and Pluto oppose in early January and this represents conflict. Mars moves back into Cancer, so the opposition of Pluto and Mars is weakening and probably past by mid-month.

The Sun is with Pluto in week 4 and shows the existence of powerful force. Mercury is with Pluto late in the month and shows awareness of force. The New Moon connects with this.

Venus is with Saturn at mid-month and shows restrictions on the good life. Venus is with Neptune late in the month and shows us making up for it.

By mid month, the Jupiter/Saturn square is passing, so there should be less conflict around.

The Sun opposes Mars in week 3 and shows us succeeding at challenges.

Mercury opposes Mars in week 3 and shows us aware of problems. This shows up in the inauguration chart. And the Libra Moon connects to the opposition. This looks like Trump addressing problems in the country. There is also harmony in the chart and Mercury connects with the discord and with the harmony. There will be so much talk.

Full Moon in Cancer on the 12th and 13th focuses us on home and family.

New Moon on Aquarius later on the 28th, the 29th, and much of the 30th is a new start for us in original thought.

Fairly good days this month are: 8, 9, 12, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, & 30.

I’ll be at the Yoga Shakti Mission on Jan 12 at 9 am talking about the astrology of 2025.

Remember STAR Guild and my site. And email me if you need services. My recorded personal video Skype calls are like an in person session.

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77

Hermetician Church of Light ’93

Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, Dec ’24

STAR Guild met on the 26th and focused on a new members chart. We described what the main qualities in her life due to her chart and she was amazed and we were pleased. Next year we will meet on the 28th of Jan. under an Aquarian Moon. This will be appropriate to talk about Pluto being back in futuristic Aquarius and staying until 2044. AI is an obvious correspondent. We can add driver-less cars. What else?

A number of events happened in November.

The election was the main event. As mentioned in my Nov. newsletter before the election, Jupiter favored Trump by being in his Sun Sign. Kamala did not have the Sun or any other slower moving planet in or moving toward her Sun sign. When she won her Senate seat she had Jupiter in her Sun Sign. The Sun is about power and Jupiter says yes to us. When Uranus leaves Trumps Midheaven it goes into his Sun sign and this continues to stimulate his power. Also the U.S. chart has 4 bodies in Cancer. Trump has 3 there. Kamala has none and this could show a lack of connection with the people. But she did have some connection shown by Saturn in Aquarius where the U.S.’s Moon is. Trump has nothing there.

It was difficult to predict the election because Trump and Kamala had many similarly placed planets. So I went back to the basics: the Sun and Jupiter.

In Nov. and Dec. Mars is in Leo where Trump’s Mars is and this shows him operating at a high level.

In January, February, and March, Mars is in Cancer and it is prominently placed in the inauguration chart. Security needs to be tight.

Other events in November were a rover on Mars finding an ancient shoreline. Let’s think about that. The Moon was in spacey Aquarius on Nov. 8th.

On the 13th the GOP took the house. Completing the election trifecta. The Moon was in identity sign, Aries.

Terrible floods happened in Hondurans on the 15th due to Sara under the Full Moon.

On the 17th with the Moon in Gemini, where the U.S. Mars is, Biden sanctioned the use of our missiles to be shot into Russia. And on the 19th Ukraine launched some into Russia. The Moon was in Cancer where the U.S. has plenty of planets, thus bringing us more into the conflict.

On the 22nd Trump’s New York case was indefinitely put on hold. And on Nov. 25 with the Moon in Libra, the sign of Trump’s lucky Jupiter, Jack Smith dropped the cases against him because Trump will soon be a sitting president.

On the 24th with the Moon in science sign, Virgo, a report said that progress was being made in the creation of a biological atlas of all types of cells in the human body. This is also Pluto in knowledge sign Aquarius.

Late in the month the Israel war and the Ukraine war have heated up. On Wed. the 27th a 60 day ceasefire was established between Israel and Lebanon. The Moon was in peace and war sign, Libra.

In December, Pluto in Aquarius will oppose Mars in early Leo, so this is a conflict.

Also Jupiter squares Saturn and this is a conflict. We already know about Israel, Ukraine, and the aftermath of the election. And this can also be a natural event or a weather event.

New Moon in Sagittarius on the 1st and much of the 2nd is a new start in seeking.

Full Moon in Gemini on the 14th and much of the 15th is a culmination involving ideas.

Another New Moon happens on the 30th and 31st in Capricorn and shows our goals, New Year’s resolutions.

Fairly good days in Dec. are: 9, 10, 16, 17, 19, 23, 26, & 31

I’ll be talking about the Astrology of 2025 on the 12th of January at 9 am at the Yogashakti Mission on Heild Rd in Palm Bay.

Please remember my site and STAR Guild. Email me if you need services.

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77

Hermetician Church of Light ’93

Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, Nov. ’24

Star Guild met on the 22nd. We got so involved with the upcoming election that we went way overtime. A chart for 10 pm on election day, has Trump’s chart and the chart of J.D. Vance rising. Taurus is at the top and Leo is rising. Both men have the same Rising and Midheaven. A closer look shows Mars in Leo, representing Trump, rising, and Aquarius, her Saturn sign, descending. The symbolism of signs moving up or down in astrology tells us a lot. When Kamala won the Senate in ’16 she had Jupiter in her Sun sign, Libra. Now Trump has Jupiter in his Sun sign.

We’ll meet next month on Skype on the 26th at 6 pm and try to see what we did right or wrong.

Events happened in October.

On the 1st, under a New Moon Solar Eclipse in war sign, Libra, Israel moved into Lebanon and Iran shot 180 missiles into Israel.

On Oct 7th with the Moon in legal sign Sagittarius, the Supreme Court started its new session.

On the 9th, Milton made landfall on Siesta Key in Florida and then traveled across the state. The Moon was in Capricorn opposing violent Mars in wet sign Cancer. There were over 100 tornado warnings. Extreme Pluto was at the Midheaven and this happened under the 1st quarter of the Moon.

On Oct 10th with the Moon still in business sign, Capricorn, TD bank was charged with money laundering.

Around the 18th, a power failure started in Cuba and lasted for days. There was a T square between the Sun, Pluto, and Mars. All three relate to power and energy.

On Oct 17th a Full Moon in Aries happened very near the Full Moon in Aries that Kamala was born with. I think the shift was becoming more obvious.

The big event in October was the campaigns and us voting. Interplay between the Sun and Mercury in Libra, Mars in Cancer, and Pluto in Capricorn at various times during the month described cardinal conflicts.

On Oct. 26th Israel retaliated for the Oct. 1st missile attack from Iran. The Moon was in Leo. This is the most important sign in the Israel chart. Their chart has the Moon, the Midheaven, Pluto, Saturn, and Mars in Leo.

In November we note planetary activity.

Pluto continues to connect well with Neptune and Uranus and this brings us a sense of integration at a deep level. This continues until week 4 when Pluto goes back into Aquarius and stays there until 2044. This placement will bring on the future.

Mars is in Leo for most of the month and is creative in this fire sign.

Jupiter is square Saturn at the end of the month and shows powerful things in conflict. From a personal standpoint, we should study all the details involved if we try to start something new.

The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3 is in Scorpio. This brings intensity into our lives. In week 3, the Sun opposes Uranus and brings new vistas but also the unexpected.

The Sun in week 4, Mercury for most of the month, and Venus in weeks 1 and 2 are in Sagittarius; this makes us upbeat and adventurous.

While in Sagittarius, the Sun will trine Mars and add energy to us. Mercury, while there, will square Saturn in weeks 1 and 2 and oppose Jupiter in weeks 3 and 4. The first period could brings delays and the 2nd a need for good judgment. While Venus is in Sagittarius, it squares Neptune and makes love mysterious.

Venus is in Capricorn in weeks 3 and 4. At this time we will want the worldly best in love and beauty, like designer clothes and successful partners.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 25th, so, let’s focus.

New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st and 2nd is a new transformational start.

Full Moon in Taurus on the 14th and 15th brings a culmination in finances and natural interests.

Fairly good days are:1, 2, 6, 11, 19, 20, 25, & 26.

Please remember to visit my web site. If you like astrology, you are welcome at Star Guild. And email me if you need services. My video Skype calls are like a relaxed in person call.

Have a great month.

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77

Hermetician Church of Light ’93

Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins, ’90

On September 15th for the 2nd time an individual tried to shoot Trump. The Moon was in his 7th house, the house of open enemies. The charts for both events had Sagittarius, the shooting sign rising. And this rising was close to the same degree. The first shooting happened when Mars was in conjunction with Uranus, showing an unexpected violent event. And these planets squared Trump’s Mars. The second happened with Mars on Trump’s Mercury, which disposes his Sun, 1st house ruler. Also the second happened within 2 days of a lunar eclipse squaring Trump’s Sun and Moon.

Other events that happened near the eclipse were:

On the 25th, with the Moon in Cancer, the nation’s Sun Sign, the critical Senate report on the Secret Service’s behavior at the Butler assassination attempt was presented.

Mayor Eric Adams was indicted on Sept. 25th. Tran sitting Jupiter is on his Mars in the solar house 10th, house of reputation. Jupiter represents the law.

Hurricane Helene made landfall around 11:15pm on the 26th. Angular houses are weather houses and for a landfall, they should show discord. In the chart, the widening square between Saturn and Jupiter is in the 10th and 1st and brought together by a Gemini Ascendant near Jupiter and squaring Saturn. Also, the Moon was opposed Pluto and square Venus. Landfall charts always make sense. The hurricane had a 600 mile path and affected many states. 3 days later there is still severe flooding in N. Carolina. The long term presence for discord in the sky now is the upcoming Oct. 2 eclipse and Mars in Cancer. We can translate Mars’ position as trouble from water.

In October:

We start with a Solar Eclipse at 10 Libra on the 2nd, the Moon is still in Libra on the 3rd. I’m thinking about the appeals court that is hearing the James case against Trump in New York.

This eclipse is squaring Mars, so, we should all be a bit careful. It is also close to Mercury which means important decisions.

Mars in Cancer is the most interesting feature this month. Harris has nothing in this sign. Trump has three planets there. And voting is going on in some states. In modern times, presidents have always had a planet or angle in Cancer. The sign Cancer is Mom and apple pie and it is protective of home and country. The U.S. chart has 4 bodies there. Aquarius, the sign of our Moon in the U.S. chart, shows our more progressive side. The founding fathers were radicals in their day. Kamala has an elevated Saturn in Aquarius in her chart. The predominance of traditional Cancer, suggests that we will never become a socialist country.

The U.S. chart with the Sun and three planets in Cancer, shows events are coming to us with Mars passing through Cancer in Sept, Oct, Jan, Feb, March, and week 1 and 2 of April.

Later in Oct. Mars opposes Pluto which is trouble. But Mars and Pluto connect with other planets well, Neptune and Uranus, and they may save the day.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2nd and 3rd shows a new start in relationships.

Full Moon in Aries on the 16th and 17th square Mars and sextile Jupiter makes us active and impulsive and a bit rash. Jupiter helps some.

Fairly good days in October: 1, 5, 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, & 28.

The April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse

A New Moon Solar Eclipse will take place on Monday, the 8th of April at 2:21 pm ET. Eclipses are important because they temporarily block the flow of life giving energies. In the US its path is central and eastern. Here are the important positions of planets and points at the time of the eclipse.

All the charts of various locations that I looked at had Leo rising and the Midheaven in Taurus. The Sun and Moon are at 19 degrees Aries in the whole sign 9th house.

Jupiter and Uranus are together at 19 and 21 degrees Taurus in the whole sign 10th house.

Mars and Saturn are in Pisces at 13 and 14 degrees in the 8th house.

Here are the possible effects.

The Sun and Moon are in a fire sign. Fires could be expected. There are already many fires burning in the Amazon area. Aries people are leaders, competitors, youths and activists. These people are stimulated by the eclipse. The 9th house could bring legal judgments and public pronouncements. Teachers and teaching are 9th house. It is also associated with world trade. The 1st eclipse of this eclipse season was the Sun in Aries oppose the Moon in Libra on March 25th. I associate Libra with bridges and we see what happened in Baltimore.

The Aries Sun and Moon square Ceres , the grain goddess, who is in elevated Capricorn. So, we see the involvement of people who nurture and also see elevated women. 7 in the World Central Kitchen were killed in Gaza. And we might expect events involving female judges and AG’s who are dealing with important court cases.

Chiron, the teaching centaur is also at 19 Aries and emphasizes the teacher aspect and adds a high minded quality to the out-coming messages.

Jupiter and Uranus are at the “roof” of the chart, in earth sign, Taurus. Jupiter is good but Uranus is unexpected and radical. Taurus is practical and sound. We can have judgments that are sound but unexpected. We may have unpredictable money events. As individuals, we can help by being sound. Uranus in earth sign, Taurus sounds like an earthquake and we have already had one in Taiwan on the 2nd. It happened at 7:58 am and Jupiter and Uranus were on the Ascendant, the point rising in the east. (I recall years ago that there were many planets in Taurus. The event that happened was a high in the market. )

Ceres, mentioned above, is tringing Jupiter and Uranus and can show a nurturer or elevated woman helping the Taurus issues. This makes me think of Trump, who has Leo rising and Taurus in the 10 house like the eclipse chart. Will an elevated woman help him in his legal affairs.

We can not overlook the presence of Mars and Saturn, who are very close to each other in water sign Pisces. These two are trouble and they make trouble; we can help by being a bit careful. We should be looking to prevent trouble.

It looks as though many of the things that are stimulated by this second eclipse of this eclipse season are already happening.

Good things can happen under eclipses; let’s be positive and bring that on.

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77

Hermetician Church of Light ’93

Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90

Evidence and Synchronicity in Astrology

by Leslie Marlar, June ’23

In Summer of ’21, we found out that my brother was ill with suspicion that it was terminal. We brought him to this area and I managed his care until his death 8 months later.

Saturn was in Aquarius in ’21 and ’22. It was on my Mercury in Aquarius in the whole sign 10th and opposing my Pluto, Saturn, and Mars in Leo. Mercury rules my 2nd house and my 5th because I am Taurus rising. During this time I managed my brother’s care and attended his death. I inherited a bit from him, some of which were sporting items. And I hurt my back. My brother has a Taurus Sun, so the Uranus Saturn square in Taurus and Aquarius was affecting his Sun and my Ascendant.

So, we can see that Saturn in the sky opposing my Pluto, Saturn, and Mars in Leo hurt my back. Mercury, natural rulers of siblings, with Saturn on it showed my brother’s demise. And Mercury ruler of 2nd and 5th brought inheritance and even sport. (This would have made him happy.) The fact that we both have something important in Taurus is what we see in the charts of families. My mother also has a Taurus Sun.

I feel that this is very good evidence for the planets at work in our lives.

Here is another piece of evidence. When I do mini readings, I note what sign is rising in the sky and what sign is rising in my client’s chart. This is a 1st house connection between what is in the sky rising and what is rising in my client at the time of her birth. That are other factors that show this connection and I have calculated them. There is a 1 in 12 chance that any sign is rising at any time. For the client’s chart and the sky to match there is a .08 chance of this. I saw this match .37 or 37% of the time.

In other research, I have been setting up charts of spacex launches since 2014. I learned to set the charts for any attempted launchs and contrast those with the final successful launch. I looked at a year’s worth of launches recently and saw that the discord between planets that kept the rocket from launch was weakened or over by the time of the successful launch. It was particularly interesting to see charts when Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto were together in Capricorn and later when Saturn, Uranus and other planets were together in Aquarius.

On a lighter note here’s something serious and something fun about synchronicity. Jung defined it as a meaningful coincidence. Also in his paper “Synchronicity An Acausal Connecting Principal” he used this as a definition for astrology. He also said that astrology was becoming a science. And he said that the archetypes represented by the planets and sign ARE the collective unconscious. And he wrote a book on UFO’s that I have lost twice.

Now here is the fun quote from my colleague.

Hi there. Just sharing…A girlfriend of mine, also a widow, and I are going to a Play this afternoon called “The Cemetery Club”. It’s a dramedy about 3 women, all widows, who meet at the cemetery & discuss their lives. I checked the planets to my chart. Jupiter at 5 Taurus is in trine to my Venus at 5 Virgo. Ok, looks good. Jupiter (fun) and Venus (female & Play). I also love to check Rudhyar’s Mandela which often ‘speaks’ to me. 5 degrees Taurus reads “Widow at an Open Grave”! Talk about synchronicity! I love Astrology, but have no idea how this stuff works!? Freaky sometimes!”

So we in astrology have some fun but even more important, is that life’s events make sense and little if anything is random.

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, April ’24

Star Guild met on the 26th and covered many topics.

We looked at the chart for Spring, the beginning of the year, and noted difficult Pluto and Mars in the whole sign 4th, a weather house. Also a Leo moon was opposing Pluto, suggesting extreme events for us.

We cited our events around the 3/25 eclipse and prepared to note anything important for the April 8th solar eclipse.

A tanker ran into the Baltimore Key’s bridge on the 26th. In addition to the eclipse, which brings events, Mars was in Pisces along with Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. A chart for the time of the accident has all these in the 4th house. This is watery territory. Mars is the planet of accidents. Saturn brings loses. We can contrast the chart of the Sunshine Skyview accident in Tampa on May 9th 1980. That chart has the Moon in the 10th in watery Pisces oppose Jupiter and Mars in Virgo in the 4th, Saturn is also in the 4th. Pisces is the water, Jupiter is shipping, and Mars is the collision. In the Baltimore chart Mars in Jupiter’s sign, Pisces in the 4th says it all.

These charts can be seen on my Facebook pages: Leslie Marlar, Leslie Marlar Astrology, and STAR Guild Astrology Study Group.

The Princess of Wales has been ill and has the Sun in Capricorn opposed the Moon in Cancer and those square Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in the 6th. Transiting Mars connected with this from Capricorn in most of January and half of February. Then Mars stimulated Venus and Mercury in early Aquarius at the 6th and 8th degree, in the last half of February. These Mars transits showed difficulty for her. Let us remember that extreme Pluto is in very early Aquarius. It could already be having an effect and as it moves along will have an effect.

Haiti has been having a difficult time lately. Their Virgo Moon opposes Pluto and there is a square from Saturn in the 7th to Mars in the 10th. Mars, the MC, Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Capricorn. Mars transiting Capricorn, from week 2 of January to mid-February, did not help. Plus Saturn has been near their Pluto in the 12th. Mars in Pisces is extending that. And the eclipses are hitting their cardinal planets.

Steven Forrest has a great article on George Lucas and his past life in “Mountain Astrologer”. He focuses on the south node and says that it represents who we are in a past life. The sign and house describe us. Hard aspects to it show our situation, as do the sign, house, and hard aspects of the rulers of the node’s sign.

I have a new method for sizing up a chart. Hard aspects to the Sun, Ascendant, and first house ruler show everything that is “angular” and important in the chart.

Other events in March and late February.

The fires in late Feb. and the Mall fire in Dhaka Bangladesh happened with Mars square Jupiter. These two bring big trouble.

Hur’s testimony noting that Biden is to elderly to stand trial happened with Mars squaring Biden’s Mars, Mercury, Sun, and Venus in Scorpio. Uranus is also opposing these.

On March 15th, the Judge in the Georgia case ruled that Willis or Wade would have to go. Wade went.

Israel and Hamas continue to fight. Pluto and Mars (week 1, 2, and 3) in Aquarius are connecting with planets in fixed signs in the Israel chart.

The shooting in Moscow happened with the Mon squaring Uranus and opposing Mars.

Trump was supposed to go bankrupt on the 25th. Instead a judge on appeal ruled that a lesser bond was due and the next day his Truth Social went public and made him billions. The eclipsed Moon was in Libra where his Jupiter is. That Jupiter trines his Sun and Uranus, which is very lucky.

Finally I must mention that there was unusually heavy rain in South Carolina on March 10th. There was a new moon in wet Pisces.

In April planets are in Aries, Taurus, Aquarius, and Pisces. Planets in Aries enliven us. Those in Taurus stimulate interest in nature, money, and comfort. Aquarius brings us unusual ideas and people. Pisces stimulates our inner self. With Mars and Saturn in Pisces we may have to work at being happy.

Pluto in early Aquarius brings forces to those early in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Let’s deal with them well.

Jupiter and Uranus are very close to each other this month. Jupiter is good but Uranus is unexpected and unpredictable. To be circumspect, we should take care with money and avoid excesses. In week 4, the Sun squares Pluto and we are focused on or dealing with extremes.

In week 1 and 2 of April Mars is near Saturn. Losses and mishaps can occur. We should stay encouraged and act without stress.

In week 4, Mars is near Neptune and actions and motivations are hard to define. These Mars aspects can also show additional events coming from the Key’s bridge collapse.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse happens on the 7th and 8th in Aries. Let’s have adventures that will never be found on “Ridiculousness”.

A Full Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd and 24th is an intense culmination.

Fairly good days this month are: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 18, 25, & 28.

Remember my site and STAR Guild on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6 pm on Skype.

Services STAR Guild Sun Signs Newsletter

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77

Hermetician Church of Light ’93

Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90




The Astrology of Zelenskyy, Ukraine, and Putin

by Leslie Marlar March ’22

V_Putin_Standard wheel    ukraine_Novice 2 Wheel v    

_zelenskyy_Novice 2 Wheel

On day 1 of the Ukraine Russia War the Moon was in Sagittarius, which is the sign of Putin’s Mars. Transiting Mars and Venus were getting very close to Pluto and all squared, in the last half of February, Putin’s Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury in Libra and in the 12th house. Mercury and Saturn were passing through his 4th house, house of territory, and transiting Uranus continues to pass slowly through his 7th house of war.

The strongest feature of Putin’s chart is the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury in Libra in the 12th house, which has been heavily stimulated by planets in Capricorn since Nov. of ’21. His Sun Saturn shows harsh power methods and his Mercury Neptune shows creativity with the truth. A square from Uranus to all four shows radical methods.

The Aug. 24th 1991 Ukraine chart has Saturn and the Moon in Aquarius. With Saturn now in Aquarius, they are having their Saturn return. Their Sun is in early Virgo and Mars is in late Virgo. The strongest feature of the chart is Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus in later Leo in an out of sign conjunction with the very early Virgo Sun. The country has spirit.

Zelenskyy has emerged as a seminal figure. He has the Ascendant in smart Gemini with good Jupiter. His ruler, Mercury, is in sound Capricorn in the 8th house, sextile Uranus and square Pluto. He is being called upon to speak as his country is dying. His Mars is in early Leo, his Saturn in late Leo and his Moon is in mid-Leo trine Neptune and square Uranus. All are in the 3rd house. The Sun and Venus are in early Aquarius opposing Mars. A Full Moon was still in effect at his birth with a separation of 12 degrees.

Zelenskyy’s late Leo Saturn is with the late Leo and early Virgo main feature of Ukraine’s chart. And The Ukraine’s Saturn is on his Sun and Venus and opposes his Mars. So he is called upon to manage the Ukraine’s difficulties.

Putin’s Mars in Sagittarius squares Ukraine’s Virgo Mars. ( Mars and Sagittarius rule missiles.) Putin’s fixed Venus and Jupiter square Zelenskyy’s Leo Moon and connect with Zelenskyy’s Moon square Uranus. Putin’s Sun and Saturn square Zelenskyy’s Mercury. His Mars trines Zelenskyy’s Saturn and his Libra planets trine Zelenskyy’s Gemini Ascendant and Jupiter. He is bringing out some good things in Zelenskyy.

The shift of Mars and Venus from Capricorn to Aquarius suggests a shift from ground to air activity in Ukraine.

Saturn and the Moon in Aquarius are more stimulated by this in the Ukraine chart. In Zelenskyy’s chart Mars, the Sun, Venus, the Moon, Uranus, and Saturn are more stumulated. Also, Mars is near Saturn in late March and early April. This is challenging for anything.

Conclusion: Ukraine is having it’s Saturn return. When the twin towers were blown up, they were having their Saturn return. Saturn is also moving to oppose Ukraine’s Leo planets. But Jupiter and Venus near the Sun are a blessing.

Putin’s Sun, Saturn. Neptune, and Mercury in the KGB-like 12th house marks him as having questionable character. The 12th house is also the house of self-undoing. Venus in his first and Jupiter in his 7th promote him through contacts.

Zelenskyy is smart and good and selected by his planets to deal with distruction in Ukraine and possibly his own. Transiting Saturn is opposing his Moon. Venus near his Sun and Jupiter near his Ascendant are a blessing. Good Luck Ukraine and Zelenskyy

Tom Brady, Feb. ’22        t_brady_Novice 2 Wheel

Tom Brady is the G.O.A.T., “greatest of all time” in his football quarterback career. He has no planets in Capricorn, but its ruler, Saturn is in Leo near his Sun.

Due to Saturn’s bad reputation, it is encouraging to see it prominent in the chart of a successful person. In fact, I have noticed that extreme fame seems to be associated with a prominent Saturn. Supreme Court Justice Scalia had the Sun with Saturn. Kennedy and Mohamed Ali had Saturn in the 10th house.

Brady’s horoscope has several interesting features.

Brady has Pluto rising in Libra. He is nice looking and graceful. And his career has been as a member of a group, which is Pluto.

His Aries Moon is in the 7th house. Aries is the sign of leadership and he is a leader. The 7th house represents those who oppose the Ascendant. This marks the opposing teams. His Sun is with Saturn in Leo in the 11th house showing that Saturn things like organization and disipline are important to him. And Leo represents those who are the center of attention. Leos who know how to behave when the attention is on them are successful. The 11th house shows friends, the team. He has Venus at the top of the chart and this shows favor coming to him from those above him. His Mercury is in Virgo which is deliberate and analytical. This nicely decribes his behavior on the field. Mars in Gemini is athelitic. And Mars is part of a structure that sextiles his Moon, sextiles his Sun, and trines his Ascendant. And his Moon trine Sun is general good luck.

He announced his retirement on the day of the new moon in Aquarius. Saturn was there too and all of this opposed his Sun and Saturn in Leo. It’s enough to make you believe in astrology. P.S. On Sunday, March 13th, Brady announced that he would remain in football. This time the Moon was on his Sun and Saturn in Leo.

As you know, Brady decided to play another season, 22-23. This period did not go well for him. He and his wife divorced and he had a losing season. His Mars in Gemini was and is being affected by  Mars in the sky, here from week 4 Aug. ’22 to week 4 March ’23. Mars is energetic but as the god of war, it is also all kinds of trouble. Remember Tom has his Leo Sun next sto Saturn in his birth chart. He has worked this well and succeeded. But in ’22, Saturn in the sky was opposing  his natal Sun and Saturn. Goals did not go as hoped and worked for.


Here is my youtube podcast.

Neil Armstrong and His Horoscope    chart neil armstrong

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon.

Prior to his becoming an astronaut, he was a combat pilot and a test pilot. There is a dangerous, martial aspect to his flying. He has the air sign, Aquarius for his Midheaven and another air sign, Gemini is rising. He also has Mars in Gemini in the first house which corresponds to the danger in the air. He did have mishaps.

His Moon is in the 7th house in Sagittarius. The 7th like the first, shows what comes to us, it can also show our destination. Also please note that Gemini and Sagittarius are travel signs. Having these planets and signs in key places in his chart is showing the key features of his life.

His Leo Sun, making good aspects, suggests success. His three planets in cool, deliberate Virgo correspond to his being an engineer.

Venus, ruler of the 5th, the house of children, squares the Moon and shows his emotion over his daughter dying in her early youth. The fact that the Moon is 11 degrees away from Saturn in the 8th corresponds to his loss and sorrow. Jupiter opposing 8th house, Saturn can show extreme loss, extremes in government funds, and a destiny to participate in an important part of history.

His chart matches his life.


 Andrew, Camille, and Michael   chart katrina     chart camille

chart michael         chart andrew

Since Michael’s arrival, I’ve seen mention of 4 hurricanes grouped together for ferocity and effect. They are the 1935 Labor Day hurricane, Andrew, Camille and Michael. A landfall time for the Labor Day hurricane is hard to find. But the others are available and show a common factor, to be shown soon.

It is easy to see the correspondents of hurricanes when we have a landfall time.

Frequently there is an opposition across the 1st and 7th wholesign houses, the areas of the eastern and western horizons. This is appropriate because it shows that an event is upon them at that time and place.

For Katrina we have Saturn, and Mercury in the 1st in Leo, with Mercury opposing Neptune.

Sandy has Jupiter in Gemini in the 1st and Mars in the 7th. There is also a Full Moon in Taurus with Saturn near the Sun.

Recent Florence has Mercury and the Sun in Virgo in the 1st, with Mercury in a close opposition with wet Neptune in wet Pisces.

Camille has Saturn in the 1st house in Taurus with the Ascendant opposing Neptune in Scorpio.

Michael has Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in the 1st with Pluto close to the Ascendant.

And Andrew has Mercury in Leo in the 1st house in a very close opposition with Saturn.

Andrew, Camille, Katrina, and Michael all show Saturn in the wholesign first or 7th. This a remarkable correspondent of loss for 4 storms that brought great loss. When we are asked to demonstrate the veracity of astrology, we can site this type of evidence.

Astrology and the Bible

by Leslie Marlar, March ’18

On gets the impression from the messages coming to us in Western Society that Astrology is not accepted. Since the Bible is the foundation of much of Western culture, it seems that the negative treatment of Astrology comes from this. To my surprise, the Bible makes many positive references to Astrology and I would like to share them with you.

The format is simple. I will note the quote and explain it from the astrological perspective. The Bible in use is St. Jerome’s Vulgate, unless otherwise noted.

Genesis, Chap. 1, verses 14 to 18. Creation of our Symbols.

14 And God said: Let there be lights made in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years:

15 To shine in the firmament of heaven, and to give light upon the earth. And it was so done.

16 And God made two great lights: a greater light to rule the day; and a lesser light to rule the night: and the stars.

17 And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth.

18 And to rule the day and the night, and to divide the light and the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

This reference is on the first page of the Bible where creation is the topic. These lights rule time periods, are for signs and seasons, shine on the earth, and separate light and dark. Figuratively they are working for God in many ways including shining on us, or giving us understanding or light. Some refer to the night sky as God’s writing. Kepler referred to God as the geometricising God.

Also, these quotes are referred to by astrologers as the basis for the timing of secondary progressions, a day for a year.

Genesis, Chap 35, verses 22 through 26. The 12 Tribes.

22….Now the sons of Jacob were 12.

23 The sons of Lia: Ruben the first born, and Simeon, and Levi, and Juda, and Issachar, and Zabulon.

24 The sons of Rachel: Joeseph and Benjamin.

25 The sons of Bala, Rachel’s handmaid: Dan and Nephtali.

26 The sons of Zelpha, Lia’s handmaid: Gad and Aser: these are the sons of Jacob that were born to him in Mesopotamia of Syria.

We associate the 12 sons of Jacob, Israel with the 12 tribes. And the 12 tribes with the 12 signs. Later we will see the breastplate of the head priest with 12 gems representing the 12 tribes. And it is our job to figure out which gem goes with which sign. Things are sounding Kabalistic already. We are looking at one of the world’s scriptures and we are finding subtle messages.

Genesis Chapter 37 verses 9 & 10. Joseph’s Dream.

9 He dreamed also another dream, which he told his brethren, saying: I saw in a dream as it were the sun, and the moon, and eleven stars worshiping me. 10 And when he had told this to his father and brethren, his father rebuked him , and said: What meaneth this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother , and thy brethren worship thee upon the earth?

It is interesting to me that the father, mother, and 11 brothers, who together with Joseph represent the 12 sons of Jacob, the 12 tribes of Israel are symbolized as Sun, Moon, and stars. How about Sun. Moon, and signs?

As we see astrology and metaphysics in the Bible, let’s remember that Moses was from Egypt and Abraham from Ur. Astrology was practiced in both.

Genesis, Chapter 44, Verses 5 & 15. Joseph’s Cup

5 The cup which you have stolen is that in which my lord drinketh. And in which he is wont to divine: you have done a very evil thing.

15 And he said to them: Why would you do so? know you not that there is no one like me in the science of divining.

Divining is not treated well in Leviticus and it surprised me that beloved Joseph divined.

Genesis Chapter 49, Verses 1 through 28. Jacob’s prophetical blessing for his 12 sons, the 12 tribes, the 12 signs.

And Jacob called his sons, and said to them: Gather yourselves together that I may tell you the things that shall befall you in the last days.

2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, O ye sons of Jacob, harken to Israel your father:

3 Reuben my firstborn, though art my strength, and the beginning of my sorrow: excelling in gifts, greater in command.

4 Thou art poured out as water, grow thou not: because thou wentest up to thy father’s bed, and didst defile his couch.

5 Simeon and Levi brethren: vessels of iniquity, waging war.

6 Let not my soul go into their counsel, nor my glory be in their assembly: because in their fury they slew a man, and in their selfwill they undermined a wall.

7 Cursed be their fury, because it was stubborn: and their wrath because it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and and will scatter them in Israel.

8 Juda, thee shall thy brethren praise: thy hands shall be on the necks of thy enemies: the sons of thy father shall bow down to thee.

9 Juda is the lion’s whelp: to the prey my son, thou art gone up: resting thou has couched like a lion, as a lioness, who shall rouse him?

10 The scepter will not be taken away from Juda, nor a ruler from his thigh, till he come that is to be sent, and he shall be the expectation of nations.

11 Tying his foal to the vineyard, and his ass, O my son, to the vine, and his garment in the blood of the grape.

12 His eyes are more beautiful than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk.

13 Zabulon shall dwell on the sea shore, and in the road of ships, reaching as far as Zidon.

14 Issachar shall be a strong ass lying down between the borders.

15 He saw rest that it was good: and the land that it was excellent: and he bowed his shoulder to carry, and became a servant under tribute.

16 Dan shall judge his people like another tribe in Israel.

17 Let Dan be a snake in the way, a serpent in the path, that biteth the horses heals that his rider may fall backward.

18 I will look for thy salvation O Lord.

19 Gad, being girded, shall fight before him: and he himself shall be girded backward.

20 Aser, his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield dainties to kings.

21 Nephtali, a hart let loose, and giving words of beauty.

22 Joseph is a growing son, a growing son and comely to behold; the daughters run to and fro upon the wall.

23 But they who held darts provoked him, and quarreled with him, and envied him.

24 His bow rested upon the strong, and the bands of his arms and his hands were loosed, by the hands of the mighty one of Jacob: thence he came forth a pastor, the stone of Israel.

25 The God of thy father shall be thy helper, and the Almighty shall bless thee with the blessing of the heavens above, with the blessings of the deep that lieth beneath, with the blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

26 The blessings of thy father are strengthened with the blessings of his fathers: until the desire of the everlasting hills shall come; may they be upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the Nazarite among his brethren.

27 Benjamin a ravenous wolf, in the morning shall eat the prey, and in the evening shall divide the spoil.

28 All these are the 12 tribes of Israel: these things their father spoke to them, and he blessed every one, with their proper blessing.

Of course, the question is, which son/tribe is which sign?

Fortunately Rabbi and Astrologer Joel Dobin in his book, “To Rule Both Night and Day” matches up the sons in the order of their birth and the signs in their order. Back in Jacobs day, Taurus was the first sign and Aries the last sign. That is, the vernal equinox was in Taurus. So, we have: Taurus Reuben, Gemini Simon, Cancer Levi, Leo Juda, Virgo Zebulun, Libra Issachar, Scorpio Dan, Sagittarius Gad, Capricorn Asher, Aquarius Naphtali, Pisces Joseph, and Aries Benjamin. I’m looking forward to seeing the gems associated with the tribes and as a result, the signs.

Shakespeare and Astrology

by Leslie Marlar Nov. ’16

We know that Shakespeare used numerous Astrological quotes in his writings. Does the literary community know enough about Astrology to understand these? I doubt it. I am going to try to shed light on this. My Shakespeare is a little rough, but my Astrology is quite good. P.S. Last night I dreamed that I was walking done a path bordered by beautiful yellow flowers. They were thick and the greens and yellows were beautiful. I think this project, started today, is my going down that beautiful path.

The Winter’s Tale. “There’s some ill planet reigns: I must be patient till the heavens look with an aspect more favorable.” The Sun, Moon, planets, and points on the ecliptic called angles form geometrical relationships with each other called aspects. Planets near each other form a conjunction which is powerful. Planets 60 or 120 degrees of arc from each other are harmoniously related and planets 90 or 180 degrees of arc from each other are in a stressful relationship. In addition to aspect, a planet can reign if it is in an important place in the sky. The eastern horizon and the zenith are very important places. And there are planets with a bad reputation for trouble like Mars, the god of war and Saturn, the Titan who ate his children. So Queen Hermione notes that a bad aspect is in place and that she should wait for a good one. Things are always moving in the sky. Shakespeare is upholding the theory that it makes sense to avoid action at bad times and instead do something at a good time because there is a connection between things happening on earth and in the sky.

When someone close to me had open heart surgery, I had no control over the choice of time and date. One ill planet reigned. Mars was square (90) the Moon. This causes infection and he did get a mild one at the incision, not the heart, at a later point. But at the time of the surgery, the Sun and Mars were at 120 degrees and good Jupiter and the Ascendant were 60 degrees from those. According to the heart surgeon it all went very well.

Swear his thought over by each particular star in heaven and by all their influences,” Planets used to described as stars; for example, the star of Jupiter being said instead of Jupiter. But the actual stars are also thought to have influence. My own policy to determine the influence of a star is to note its appearance, the mythological stories associated with it, and the image of the constellation that it is in. For example, Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. In the U.S. horoscope, Sirius is very close to our Sun. The Sun is aways important in a chart and here it is with the brightest star in the sky. The interpretation is that our country is bright or great.  

“It is a bawdy planet, that will strike where ’tis predominant; and ’tis powerful, think it, from, east, west, north, and south;

I think he is talking about the power of a planet at the angles, the Ascendant in the east, the Descendant in the west, the Nadir tilted north, and the Zenith in the south.

And here is a great example. In the horoscope of the country, Haiti. Mars is at the Zenith and Saturn is at the Descendant. So two bawdy planets are striking this country and the country is known for its difficulties. When the devastating Jan 12th 2010 quake hit Haiti, in a horoscope set up for the time of the quake, Pluto was on Haiti’s Mars and Saturn was on their Saturn. Here are two strikes at the time of the quake. When hurricane Matthew hit Haiti in October ’16, Mars was on Haiti’s Mars and Jupiter was on Haiti’s Saturn. Here are two planets striking again. Incidentally, when a planet in the sky, returns to the place that it was in, in the birth horoscope, we call it a return. Haiti had a Saturn return at the time of the quake and a Mars return for the hurricane. When dealing with people, returns are opportunities for a new start. Under the Mars return, we recommend new actions, like exercise. Under the Saturn return we recommend new longterm goals. In the U.S. Chart, we are having our Pluto return. This is happening in a financial area of our chart. We would say that improving our financial structure is required in order to have a good new start.

The Tempest. Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan says, “ and by my prescience I find my zenith doth depend upon a most auspicious star; whose influence if now I court not, but omit, my fortunes will ever after droop.” The zenith in a person’s horoscope is associated with one’s station. In the sky, it is a reigning force. He seems to be saying that his public life and station, his zenith, is dependent upon taking some action involving an auspicious star. Or that an auspicious star is at the zenith and a good time to take an action. He’s into magic, so there is no telling what he is up to, but we know it involves the top of his horoscope or the current or recent horoscope, an action, and the influence of a star.

I note that Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, is at the zenith once a day. What a good time to start something. Modern astrologers have software that shows us the changing sky. So it is easy to see when the 15th degree of Cancer is at the zenith.

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.

Horatio says, “As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood, Disasters in the Sun; and the moist star, Upon whose influence Neptune’s empire stands was sick almost to doomsday with eclipse: And even the like precurse of fierce events,- As harbingers preceding still the fates, And prologue to the omen coming on,- Have heaven and earth together demonstrated Unto our climature and countrymen.

Here Shakespeare is noting the effects of comets and eclipses on coming events. This reminds me of the Moon’s, moist star’s, influence on the tides, Neptune’s empire. I have seen in the charts of earthquakes, the Moon in a tide influencing position, which is a little past the angles. The Moon affects even the land at high and low tides.

I also think of 8th century St Bede. In his “Ecclesiastical History of England”, he notes in the chronology, a comet and 3 eclipses and attendant powerful events. In one instance he says,” In the year 664 an eclipse came to pass: Earconbert, King of Kent, died; and Colman with his Scots returned to his own people; a great plague arose; and Chad and Wilfrid were made bishops of Northumbria.”

In Hamlet, Marcellus says,” some say that ever gainst that season comes wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated, the bird of dawning singeth all night long; and then, they say, no spirit can walk abroad; the nights are wholesome; then no planets strike, no fairy takes, nor witch has power to charm;” The use of the word strike shows that planets have an effect but not at this time. I find myself with a new vocabulary: planets reigning and planets striking, and this is good Astrology.

Again in Hamlet, Polonius, talking to the King about what he said to his daughter says,

And my young mistress thus I did bespeak, Lord Hamlet is a Prince, out of thy star;”

So now the question is about certain planets and stars in the charts of royals as compared to those with less prestige. If he is talking about a planet, Jupiter and the Sun are bodies of high rank according to Rex Bills. She may not be ruled by the star or planet that would represent an appropriate mate for Hamlet. Or he is not included in her type represented by a mate describing planet in her chart. Or her Sun may not be dignified enough to represent him. He is not in her world, defined by her star.

This makes me think of some related ideas. A person can be shown to be special when a 1st magnitude star is in an important place in their chart. Trump has Regulus on his Ascendant. G.W. Bush has his Sun close to Sirius. Another placement showing rank is the ruler of the Ascendant being elevated. Queen Elizabeth 2 has this. She is Capricorn rising and her Saturn is at the top of her chart. Queen Elizabeth 1 also had Capricorn rising, but her Saturn was in the 7th, in Cancer, the house of enemies. Her father was a Sun in cancer so he was one of her enemies. And finally here’s a little something about Prince Charles. He has the Moon in Taurus in his 10th and his Mother is a Taurus. This is like astrological poetry.

In Act 3, Hamlet describes himself as crawling between earth and heaven. This takes no explanation but it reminds me of something. I was soaking between earth and heaven the other night in the hot tub at 2 am. I have a view of the southern ecliptic and saw magnificent Leo past the zenith, Corvus at the zenith, and bright Jupiter and Spica moving up to it. Magic does exist in the world; we just have to look up.

Hamlet says to his mother in reference to her murdered husband and his murderer, “Look here upon this picture and on this, – The counterfeit presentment of two brothers. See what a grace was seated upon this brow; Hyperion’s curls; the front of Jove himself; An eye like Mars, to threaten and command; A station like the herald Mercury New-lighted on the heaven-kissing hill; A combination and a form, indeed Where every god did seem to set his seal, To give the world assurance of the man:”

The mythological gods in appearance, nature, and activity show us what the planets are like. So to us, the Sun, or Jove, or Mars, or Mercury are the gods and the planets which are features of our charts and facets or our own personalities.

Midsummer’s Night Dream. In this play Theseus, Duke of Athens, says,

Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptual hour draws apace; four happy days bring in Another moon: but, oh, methinks, how slow this old moon wanes!”… “Four nights will quickly dream away the time; And then the moon, like a silver bow New bent in heaven, shall behold the night Of our solemnities.”

The Duke and Hippolyta are to be married right after the new moon when there is a crescent moon. They do not want to marry under a declining Moon. Timing this marriage with a new crescent Moon shows a new start and a marriage that develops over a long time. One would not want to start a new marriage under an old Moon.

To be continued.

Falcon 9.        chart 19 & 20 spacex     chart 21 spacex

If you live on the space coast of Florida, you can watch launches from your driveway. And the other night we watched the Spacex Falcon 9 go up and then the first stage come down. What we saw looked like a rocket landing in a 50’s syfy movie. It was thrilling to see and it was a milestone in the space program.
As an astrologer, I have some interesting charts to show you that correspond to the launch attempts. A chart is a map of the sky showing all the celestial bodies and signs. Keep in mind that the Moon is very important in every chart.

The rocket was scheduled to go on Saturday, the 19th. It did not due to the interference of a static fire test. In the chart set up for that time, we can see the Moon in the fire sign, Aries near explosive Uranus and opposing fiery Mars. Someone like me would not suggest a launch corresponding to a chart like this due to discordant planetary relationships. Discord is associated with failure and harmony with success.

The next night, Sunday, the 20th it did not go. The experts said the chances were better the next night. On Sunday, the Moon was in Taurus and headed toward some very nice relationships with other planets. I thought it would go due to the approaching harmony, but it did not.

The next night, with the Moon still in Taurus and involved in the harmonious planetary relationships, the rocket went up, the 1st stage came down and landed, and the upper stage deployed 11 satellites. The mission succeeded.

There is logic here. The successful launch happened when the Moon was involved in a number of harmonious planetary relationships. It did not go during discordant relationships or before harmonious relationships were in play.

To see my piece on the Spacex rocket and others that blew up in recent time, see Launch Failures under Life’s Work on my site.