Oct. ’18 Newsletter

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar Oct. ’18

For those of you who are local, S.T.A.R. Guild will meet on Tuesday, Oct 23rd at the library in Cocoa, 308 Forrest Ave, at 6 pm. On tap are the charts of Supreme Court Justices, Desantis and Gillum, and breaks for questions from newer members.
This past month we looked at the charts of people in the news: Cosby, Rosenstein, Kavanaugh, and Blasey-Ford. The report on this with charts is on my site under Star Guild Reports.
Last month we had a number of events.
Aretha Franklin died. The queen of soul had the Moon in Cancer, a soulful sign. She also had Jupiter, the religious planet, very near her Mars, her chart ruler. Her musical career began in the church where her father pastored, so religious music came to her and had a powerful effect on her life.
Our ongoing red tide continues in Florida. This may be Jupiter in swampy Scorpio; the red tide started when Jupiter went into Scorpio. Jupiter leaves Scorpio in early November. The ongoing Church scandal is probably also Jupiter in Scorpio.
The Kavanaugh hearing started with the Moon in Cancer; this is where his Moon is. And a vote may happen in the Senate on Oct. 2nd or 3rd. The Moon will be in Cancer again. Let’s note that the U.S. Chart has an Aquarius Moon and a Cancer Sun. Kavanaugh has an Aquarius Sun and a Cancer Moon. This means that there is a strong connection between the country and Kavanaugh.

Landfall for hurricane Florence showed windy Mercury in the first house (eastern horizon) and wet Neptune in wet Pisces in the western 7th house. A T square between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus added enduring difficulties to the mix. This T square was still in effect for the typhoon that hit the Philippines, the Boston gas fires, and the presentation of the letter by Feinstein from Ford. The Kavanaugh/Ford hearing has the Moon and Uranus in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius, Kavanaugh’s sign. This is like a political hurricane. The meeting between Trump and Rosenstein was postponed due to the political hurricane. Pluto and Saturn are in Capricorn where Rosenstein has Mercury, Venus, and the Sun. Major change will be coming to him, if not soon, a bit later.
In Oct. around the 9th and 23rd, Mercury, and then the Sun, oppose Uranus, so this is surprises. And a bit before mid-month Venus squares Mars, so it’s time to take care with love. Venus is retrograde and can bring up love from the past. But generally it is a calmer month, with Mars past the square with Uranus. New Moon in Libra later on the 7th, the 8th, and the 9th is a new start in civility and relationships. And Full Moon in Taurus on the 24th, 25th, and much of the 26th contrasts spring and fall approaches to life. Fairly good days are: 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13,19, 20, 21, 28, & 29. Call me if you need me.
Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77
Hermetician Church of Light ’93
www.light.org Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90

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