Astrology Newsleter, Sep ’14

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, Sept. ’14

For those of you who are local, S.T.A.R. Guild Astrology study group meets on the 4th Tuesday, Sept. 23rd at 6pm in Cocoa at the main library. We looked at eclipses in August and did some research. Each member noted the date of an important event in their lives and we looked to see if an eclipse took place. We were impressed with the results. You can see my piece about this on my site under star guild report. In Sept. we’ll look at some disastrous events, planes, trains, ships, etc. These extreme events should show strong planetary statements that look like trouble. For those attending, bring your own chart and a chart for one of these events. Like the Chaldeans who kept track of sky and earth events for 1000 years and recorded these in the Anu Enlil, I also have kept track of sky and earth events since the 70’s. I call my records “a pile of notebooks”.

Mars and Saturn have been together in Scorpio since late July and this will continue until mid Sept. Since these are reputed to be troublesome, we should look and see if this is so. Trouble that already existed under the grand cross involving Mars, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter has not eased. Events involving our southern border, Ebola, the Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, Ferguson, and Isis are a testament to this. I expect some things to improve when Mars is no longer in Scorpio with Saturn. And further improvement should come when Saturn goes into Sagittarius and trines Jupiter instead of squaring it. This is true in the world and in our personal lives. In the mean time, we can manage stress and conflict, engage in constructive action, and seek out joy and happy people. Incidentally, you can see Mars and Saturn after dark high in the west. Venus and Jupiter are still visible in the east before dawn. I saw them on 8/29 at 6:30 am.

Full Moon in Pisces from the evening of the 7th to the evening of the 9th shows us analyzing very subtle things. New Moon in Libra on the 24th and the 25th gives a new start in Libra things; art, beauty, justice, fairness. Fairly good days this month are: 2, am 3, 4, am 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29. &30.
I’ll be doing mini readings at Book and Bead in Merritt Island on Sunday, the 14th. I’ll be teaching a class on “The Hidden Talents as shown in the Horoscope” at Aquarian Dreams on Saturday, Sept. 27th at 10:30 am. Call Cheri to register and email or call me to give me your birth data. Your chart is part of the class.

See my Sun Sign Column and my daily Moon influence piece on my site. Call me if you need services. Have a great month.



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