The Moon sign changes every 2.5 days. Our horoscope describes who we are, but the temporary positions of Sun, Moon and planets also describe us temporarily. It is especially nice to know the situation of the Moon because it urges us on. I recommend gems that correspond to Signs that will harmonize with the Moon. This is an old idea. The notion is that everything is associated with a planet or a sign; Uranus represents astrology, Mars represents soldiers, Jupiter represents luck, etc. I use many reference sources for this. For gems I use the Church of Light list. Alan Leo agrees with most of this. He was Theosophical Society. Incidentally, in the late 1800′s people in the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, and the Church of Light knew each other.
Astrology. Influence for pm 21, 22 & 23. Moon in intense Scorpio square Pluto and Sun, trine Saturn, Venus, Mars & Neptune, sextile Mercury, oppose Uranus. Power and change are strong. We are insightful and have some luck. Wear onyx.
Astrology. Influence for 19, 20 & am 21. Moon in lovely Libra trine Pluto & Jupiter, square Mercury & Mars. We have some luck with our social interactions, but need to address tensions. Wear beryl. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for pm 16, 17 & most of 18. Moon in skilled Virgo square Jupiter, oppose Venus, Saturn & Neptune, trine Mercury, Uranus, & Sun, sexile Mars. Work goes well if early problems can be resolved. Wear onyx. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for 14, 15 & am 16. Moon in fire sign, Leo oppose Pluto, sextile Jupiter, square Uranus. There is some help. Let’s deal well with forces & surprises. Wear beryl. Newsletter Readings
Astrology. Influence for 12 & 13. Full Moon in insightful Cancer oppose Mercury & Sun, trine Venus, Saturn & Neptune, sextile Uranus, with Mars. We are insightful, caring and culminating. Let’s stay calm. Wear peridot. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for later 9, 10 & 11. Moon in smart Gemini trine Pluto, square Venus, Saturn & Neptune, with Jupiter. Pursuing people, ideas & interests goes better if we first resolve feelings. Wear diamond. Newsletter Sun Signs Readings
Astrology. Influence for later 7, 8 & much of 9. Moon in natural Taurus square Pluto, sextile Venus, Saturn, Neptune & Mars, trine Sun, with Uranus. We are practical. After a bit of stress, things go well. Plan for surprises. Wear onyx. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for early pm 5 to evening 7. Moon in enthusiastic Aries trine Mars & Mercury, sextile Pluto & Jupiter, square Sun & Mars. We are active. Let’s be confident & calm. Wear garnet. Newsletter Sun Signs Readings
Astrology. Influence for pm 3 to early pm 5. Moon in mythical Pisces with Venus, Saturn & Neptune, sextile Sun & Uranus, square Jupiter & Mercury. We want to believe but also be practical. Speak well. Wear onyx. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for 1, 2, & am 3. Moon in futuristic Aquarius with Pluto, oppose Mars, trine Jupiter, sextile Mercury, square Uranus. We are hopeful & optimistic. Let’s take care with tech. Wear beryl. Newsletter Sun Signs Readings
Astrology. Influence for 30 & 31. New Moon in lofty Capricorn with Sun, sextile Saturn & Neptune, trine Uranus. Planets support our new goals. Wear onyx. Newsletter Sun Signs Readings
Astrology. Influence for later 27, 28 & 29. Moon in adventurous Sagittarius sextile Pluto & Venus, trine Mars, with Mercury, oppose Jupiter, square Saturn & Neptune. We smart & outward moving in a variety of ways. Let’s judge well, stay encouraged, & be clear. Wear ruby.
Astrology. Influence for 25, 26 & much of 27. Moon in transforming Scorpio square Pluto, Mars & Venus, sextile Sun, trine Saturn & Neptune, oppose Uranus. Let’s expect surprises, stay mild, and enjoy Christmas, Hanukkah & Kwanzaa. Wear onyx.
Astrology. Influence for pm 22, 23 & 24. Moon in lovely Libra trine Pluto, Jupiter, & Venus, square Sun, sextile Mars & Mercury. We want to be social & pleasant and have some support. Building confidence before interacting helps. Wear beryl. Mini Readings
Astrology. Influence for 20, 21 & much of 22. Moon in working Virgo square Mercury & Jupiter, oppose Saturn & Neptune, trine Uranus. Practical methods serve us if we can harmonize our mental and emotional lives. Wear agate.
Astrology. Influence for later 17, 18 & 19. Moon in performing Leo oppose Pluto & Venus, with Mars, trine Mercury & Sun, sextile Jupiter, square Uranus. Creative projects go fairly well, but give loved ones special care, expect surprises, & hone your concept of beauty. Wear garnet.
Astrology. Influence for later 15, 16 & much of 17. Moon in nurturing Cancer trine Saturn & Neptune, sextile Uranus. We are insightful & caring projects go well. Make soup. Wear agate.
Astrology. Influence for pm 13, 14 & am 15. Full Moon in perceptive Gemini trine Pluto & Venus, sextile Mars, with Jupiter, oppose Mercury & Sun, square Saturn & Neptune. We are optimistic, social, seeking & in motion; mentally, verbally & physically. Let’s address feelings & take care with speech. Wear lapis. Enjoy the light.
Astrology. Influence for pm 11, 12 & am 13. Moon in natural Taurus square Pluto, Venus, & Mars, sextile Saturn & Neptune, with Uranus. We want security & comfort, but get surprises. Let’s take care with love. Wear peridot. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for 9, 10 & am 11. Moon in lively Aries sextile Pluto, Venus & Jupiter, trine Mars, Mercury & Sun. Planets support our actions and adventures. Wear amethyst. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for 7, 8 & early am 9. Moon in magical Pisces square Mercury, Jupiter & Sun, sextile Uranus, with Saturn & Neptune. We believe in the natural & supernatural; let’s communicate well. Wear agate. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for late 4, 5 and 6. Moon in sci-fi loving Aquarius with Pluto, oppose Mars, sextile Mercury & Sun, trine Jupiter, square Uranus. Some luck in our mind travels exists, but take care with conflict & prep for surprises. Wear beryl. Sun Signs Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for later 2, 3 and 4. Moon in honorable Capricorn sextile Saturn & Neptune, trine Uranus, with Venus. We are clever & helped by social circle. Goals have planetary support. Wear onyx. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for 30, 1 & much of 2. New Moon in upbeat Sagittarius sextile Pluto, trine Mars, with Sun & Mercury, square Saturn & Neptune, oppose Jupiter. We are adventurous, active & fairly effective. All goes better if we resolve heavy feelings & judge well. Wear ruby. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for later 27, 28 & 29. Moon in intense Scorpio square Pluto & Mars, trine Saturn & Neptune, sextile Venus, oppose Uranus. Early on there is some tension; pay attention while cooking. Expect surprises but also emotional harmony.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Astrology. Influence for 25, 26, & much of 27. Moon in lovely Libra trine Pluto & Jupiter, sextile Sun, Mars and Mercury, square Venus. We are expansive, active & smart. Social interaction goes fairly well, but watch oversensitivity. Wear beryl. Star Guild 11/26
Astrology. Influence for later 22, 23 and 24. Moon in serving Virgo square Sun, Jupiter & Mercury, oppose Saturn & Neptune, trine Venus & Uranus. Projects go better if we are confident, a good judge, analytical, practical & focused. Wear onyx. STAR Guild
Astrology. Influence for 20, 21, & much of 22. Moon in creative Leo oppose Pluto, with Mars, sextile Jupiter, trine Mercury, square Uranus. The spotlight is on us and we have some luck. Plan for surprises and a bit of opposition. Wear garnet. STAR Guild
Astrology. Influence for 18, 19, & early am 20. Moon in nurturing Cancer oppose Venus, trine Saturn, Neptune & Sun, sextile Uranus. Caring projects go well, if we can get along. Wear onyx. Newsletter STAR Guild
Astrology. Influence for 16 & 17. Moon in perceptive Gemini sextile Mars, square Saturn & Neptune, oppose Mercury, with Jupiter. Let’s address feelings & address oppositions with faith. Wear ruby. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for 14 & 15. Full Moon in natural Taurus square Mars, trine Venus & Pluto, sextile Saturn & Neptune, oppose Sun, with Uranus. We want comfort but things are coming to a head. Let’s stay calm in the face of intensity and expect surprises. Enjoy the light. Wear onyx. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for 12 & 13. Moon in young Aries square Venus & Pluto, trine Mars & Mercury, sextile Jupiter. We are smart & active. Let’s take care with love & use of force. Wear garnet. Newsletter STAR Guild
Astrology. Influence for 10 & 11. Moon in magical Pisces square Mercury & Jupiter, with Saturn & Neptune, trine Sun, sextile Uranus & Pluto. Our inner projects can go well if we focus & use good judgment. Wear topaz. Sun Signs Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for later 7, 8 & 9. Moon in ethereal Aquarius oppose Mars, sextile Mercury & Venus, square Sun & Uranus, trine Jupiter. Social & intellectual adventures go better if we stay calm, build self esteem, & expect surprises. Wear Beryl. Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for late am 5 to evening 7. Moon in elevated Capricorn sextile Saturn, Sun & Neptune, trine Uranus, with Pluto. We are practical, insightful & original. Planets support our goals. Wear agate. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for 3, 4 & am 5. Moon in outgoing Sagittarius with Mercury & Venus, square Saturn & Neptune, oppose Jupiter. We are upbeat, thinking, social & judging. Let’s stay focused & encouraged. Wear amethyst. Newsletter Sun Sign
Astrology. Influence for pm 31, 1 & 2. New Moon in intense Scorpio with Sun, trine Saturn, Neptune & Mars, oppose Uranus, sextile Pluto. We are passionate & insightful. Planets support our new motivated start. Surprises happen. Wear peridot. Sun Signs Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for 29, 30 & am 31. Moon in lovely Libra sextile Venus, trine Jupiter, square Mars & Pluto. These squares are tough; we should stay calm & use power well. Wear beryl. Newsletter Sun Sign
Astrology. Influence for pm 26, 27 & 28. Moon in serving Virgo sextile Sun, Mercury & Mars, square Venus & Jupiter, oppose Saturn & Neptune, trine Uranus & Pluto. We are practical and insightful but distracted by fun and emotion. Our work goes better if we choose to be disciplined. Wear agate.
Astrology. Influence for 24, 25 & am 26. Moon in playful Leo square Sun, Mercury & Uranus, trine Venus, sextile Jupiter. Our performance improves if we are effective, articulate, and prepared for changes. Wear garnet.
Astrology. Influence for later 21, 22 & 23. Moon in changing Cancer trine Saturn, Mercury & Neptune, with Mars, sextile Uranus, oppose Pluto. We are energized to take care of things. Things go well if we can deal with forces. Wear peridot. STAR Guild
Astrology. Influence for later 19, 20 & much of 21. Moon in air sign Gemini oppose Venus, square Saturn & Neptune, with Jupiter, trine Sun. The topic is talking & motion. The square needs encouragement, Jupiter & the Sun supply success. Wear diamond. STAR Guild
Astrology. Influence for later 17, 18 & much of 19. Moon in natural Taurus oppose Mercury, sextile Saturn, Mars & Neptune, with Uranus, trine Pluto. Most planets support our deserved rest & enjoyment. Take care with communications & expect surprises. Wear topaz. STAR Guild
Astrology. Influence for later 15, 16 & much of 17. Full Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter, square Mars & Pluto, oppose Sun. We are full of enthusiasm and some optimism. Let’s use power and energy well & slow down a bit. Wear beryl. STAR Guild 10/22
Astrology. Influence for later 13, 14 & much of 15. Moon in magical Pisces trine Mercury, Mars & Venus, with Saturn & Neptune, square Jupiter, sextile Uranus & Pluto. Most planets support our subtle projects. Staying encouraged & judging well helps. Wear topaz. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for pm 11, 12 & much of 13. Moon in futuristic Aquarius trine Sun & Jupiter, square Venus & Uranus. There is a mix of unexpected problems & successes. Preping for surprises helps. Love needs care. Wear beryl. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for 9, 10 & am 11. Moon in lofty Capricorn sextile Saturn, Venus & Neptune, square Sun & Mercury, oppose Mars, trine Uranus, with Pluto. We have goals. Moon connects with most planets – far reaching events. Let’s be effective & constructive. Wear agate & armor. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for later 6, 7 & 8. Moon in outgoing Sagittarius square Saturn & Neptune, sextile Sun & Mercury, oppose Jupiter. We are on the move with some success if we can address emotion, stay clear & encouraged, & judge well. Wear diamond. Newsletter & Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for 4, 5 & much of 6. Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn, Mars & Neptune, with Venus, oppose Uranus, sextile Pluto. We are intense but effective. Mercury square Mars brings troublesome news. Surprises happen. Wear peridot. Newsletter Sun Signs
Astrology. Influence for later 1, 2 & 3. New Moon Solar Eclipse in fair Libra with Sun & Mercury, square Mars & Pluto, trine Jupiter. The luminaries suggests a new balanced start, but the squares of Mars & Pluto make it difficult. Helene, Israel, and the port strike are challenges coincident with this eclipse. Wear beryl. Newsletter Sun Sign
Astrology. Influence for 29, 30 & much of 1. Moon in serving Virgo sextile Venus and Mars, oppose Saturn & Neptune, square Jupiter, trine Uranus & Pluto. We are creative, practical & insightful. Projects that involve decrease go well if we can stay clear, encouraged & use good judgment. Wear onyx. Newsletter
Astrology. Influence for later 26, 27 & 28. Moon in powerful Leo sextile Mercury, Sun & Jupiter, square Venus & Uranus. The sextiles are helpful. The squares are problematic & in enduring signs. Wear beryl. We are in an eclipse season, be smart. Good luck in the storm.
Astrology. Influence for pm 24, 25 & much of 26. Moon in changing Cancer trine Venus, Saturn & Neptune, square Sun, with Mars, sextile Uranus, oppose Pluto.
Feelings are strong and we are taking care of things. If we stay calm and use power well, we can have some success. Wear topaz. Star Guild 9/24
Astrology. Influence for 22, 23 & am 24. Moon in versatile Gemini square Saturn, Mercury & Neptune, with Jupiter. Jupiter suggests expansion. But the other planets show a need for encouragement, and clear communication. Wear ruby. STAR Guild 9/24
Astrology. Influence for 20, 21 & very early 22. Moon in natural Taurus sextile Mars, Saturn & Neptune, trine Mercury, Pluto & Sun, with Uranus. We are practical & getting support. Surprises can happen. Wear jasper. Star Guild
Astrology. Influence for 18 & 19. Moon in young Aries square Mars and Pluto, sextile Jupiter, oppose Venus. Let’s avoid impulse & stay calm in order to encourage social opportunities. Wear beryl. STAR Guild 9/24
Astrology. Influence for 16 & 17. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in imaginative Pisces trine Mars, oppose Mercury & Sun, with Saturn & Neptune, square Jupiter, sextile Uranus & Pluto. Most planets are stimulated & there is some support for us, if we can take care with work, feelings & communications. Wear emerald. Enjoy the light.
Astrology. Influence for 14 & 15. Moon in futuristic Aquarius trine Jupiter & Venus, square Uranus. We are smart & looking forward. There is some luck about. Inspiration & surprises are on tap. Wear beryl or diamond. Newsletter