Aug ’20 Newsletter

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, August ’20

No matter what your location, you can join us on Tuesday, Aug. 25th at 6 pm on skype. To join, message me on skype at leslie marlar. We will be talking about a variety of topics including Mars in Aries, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, Saturn square Uranus, chart synthesis, and charts of people and events in the news.

In July we talked about: sect, UFO’s, follow ups on Mars in Aries & Venus in Gemini, and a chart comparison between Floyd and Chauvin.

This past month had many events. Most of these events can be explained by Mars in Aries which happens from July through early January. Mars in Aries is active and incendiary. We can add it ruling ongoing conflict. And as suggested last month, events such as, increased activity, increase of covid, and more protests/violence happened. Hundreds of thousands voted in an unofficial election in Hong Kong on July 12 with an Aries Moon near Mars. Ongoing conflict is happening in relation to the nation’s students returning to school. The Nantes Cathedral was damaged by fire with a wide square between Mars and Jupiter. Notre Dame burned with a wide opposition between the two. Hannah made landfall at 5pm in Port Mansfield, Tx. on the 25th with a Libra Moon forming a grand cross with Mercury in Cancer, the Capricorn planets: Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, and Mars in Aries. On a positive level there is a race to create a vaccine and we heard this month that it might come earlier. It just so happens that Jupiter and Saturn move into humanity sign, Aquarius in mid-December. This sign shift of planets shows change. What could show bigger change for us all than a vaccine?

Saturn going back into Capricorn and rejoining Jupiter and Pluto could have added in a planetary way to the increased cases of covid. Venus continuing in Gemini and Mercury continuing in Cancer can show a continuing of events. But in August both change signs. Mercury goes to Leo on the 5th and Venus goes to Cancer on the 7th. At this point changes seem like improvement.

Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd adds to the recent UFO speculations. New Moon in Leo on the 18th shows a new start in play. Fairly good days are: 6, 8, 18, 19, 20, 27, & 31.Trines between Sun & Moon are important and are on 8th & 27th.

Call me if you need me. We can have a skype reading.

Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77

Hermetician Church of Light ’93

Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90