Sun Signs for May ’24
Mercury in weeks 1 and 2 and Mars all month are in young, active Aries; this helps our energy level and increases enthusiasm for life.
The Sun and Venus in weeks 1, 2, and 3; and Mercury in weeks 3 and 4, are in lovely, springlike, calm, natural, comfort loving Taurus. We absorb this perspective.
The Sun while in Taurus will be with Uranus in weeks 2 and 3 and with Jupiter in week 3. This will bring the unusual followed by the beneficial for us to manage.
Mercury, while in Taurus, will square Pluto, at mid month and be with Uranus late in the month. Our intellectual side deals with force, and then with unusual things.
Venus, while in Taurus, will square Pluto early in the month, then be with Uranus in weeks 2 and 3, and be with Jupiter in week 3. Our social side will sense force, then the unusual, and then the good.
In week 4, there is a major shift with the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter going to intellectual Gemini. Our mental and verbal facet will be confident, pleasant, and optimistic. Jupiter will be here for a year, improving or opinionizing speech.
New Moon in Taurus later on the 6th, the 7th, and most of the 8th is a new start in Taurus things, like, loving nature, finances, and enjoying life.
Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd , 24th, and morning of the 25th brings beautiful light, seeking, and culminations.
Cinco de Mayo and Orthodox Easter fall on Sunday, May the 5th. And let’s not forget May the 4th be with us all.
Aries. Mercury in weeks 1 and 2 and Mars all month are in your sign. Mercury can bring new interests and important communications. Mars brings energy and action. Manage stress, conflict and impulse if necessary.
Moon in your sign later on the 4th, the 5th, and much of the 6th brings people and events.
Taurus. The Sun and Venus in weeks 1, 2, and 3; and Mercury in weeks 3 and 4, are in your sign. This brings people and things to you that are important, interesting, and pleasant. Jupiter is in your sign for most of the month and Uranus is still there too. Jupiter brings good. Uranus brings the unusual. Watch out for people who influence.
Pluto squares those who are early in the sign; try to deal with force coming from you or to you.
New Moon in your sign later on the 6th, the 7th and much of the 8th brings important people and events and a new start.
Gemini. The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are in your sign in week 4. This brings the important, the pleasant, and the good. It is your turn to have Jupiter bring good to you for a year.
Pluto is trining those early in the sign and brings dynamic energy.
Saturn and Neptune are still squaring you from Pisces. Emotions may need harmonizing or they can interfere. Be sound but not discouraged. And be imaginative but not too far out.
Moon in your sign later on the 8th, the 9th, and 10th brings people and events.
Cancer. Mercury in weeks 1 and 2 and Mars all month square you from Aries. Try to speak and listen well. For Mars, manage stress, conflict, and impulse if necessary. Mars can bring some welcomed energy.
Saturn and Neptune still trine you. You can be practical and yet imaginative.
Moon in your sign on the 11th and 12th brings people and events.
Leo. Mercury in weeks 1 and 2 and Mars all month trine you from Aries. This can bring good talks and energy. The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3; Mercury in weeks 3 and 4; and Venus in weeks 1, 2, and 3 square you from Taurus. What you are attempting may be blocked by finances or others. Deal with this with good self esteem, good communication, and politeness.
Jupiter and Uranus also square you from Taurus. You may have to deal with some rules and be ready for the unexpected.
Those early in the sign are being opposed by Pluto; they may feel forces at work. Try to take corrective action.
Moon in your sign on the 13th, the 14th, and much of the 15th brings important people and important events.
Virgo. The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3; Mercury in weeks 3 and 4; and Venus in weeks 1, 2, and 3 trine you from Taurus and bring resources and support. Jupiter is in its last month of bringing good help to you. Each sigh gets 1 year. Uranus is still bringing unexpected support to you for over a year.
Saturn and Neptune are still opposing you for quite a while. Stay encouraged and focused and try to harmonize your feelings. Try to improve relationships.
In week 4, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter square you from Gemini. Try to build self esteem, and social connections, both personal or societal. Jupiter will square you for a year. It is important to avoid excess, extremes, and to follow rules.
Moon in your sign later on the 15th, the 16th and 17th brings people and events.
Libra. Pluto in Aquarius is trining those early in the sign and bringing dynamism. Mercury in weeks 1 and 2 and Mars all month are opposing you from Aries; this can perk you up. Contacts coming to you, that are direct, may have opportunity. But manage stress just in case.
In week 4, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter trine you from Gemini. This brings benefits and interests. Jupiter trines your sign for a year and brings good and expansion.
Moon in your sign in the 18th, 19th, and much of the 20th brings people and events.
Scorpio. The Sun and Venus in week 1, 2, and 3, and Mercury in weeks 3 and 4 oppose you from Taurus. This brings practical people with opportunity if you can get along with those who like permanence.
Jupiter and Uranus are also opposing you, Jupiter for one more month and Uranus until ’26. Jupiter will bring good if you keep the rules and avoid extremes. Uranus brings changes.
Saturn and Neptune are trining you and bringing support. You are able to manage the practical and the hard to define.
Pluto is squaring those early in the sign; dealing well with forces is necessary.
Moon in your sign later on the 20th, the 21st, and 22nd brings people and events.
Sagittarius. Mercury in weeks 1 and 2 and Mars all month trine you from Aries and bring support, fun, energy and adventure.
Saturn and Neptune continue to square you from Pisces. Sorting out your emotions is important. Try to stay encouraged, focused, and attentive to family.
The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in week 4 oppose you from Gemini. Factual types may bring opportunity to you. Since Jupiter will be here for a year, look for opportunity, avoid extremes, and respect law.
Full Moon in your sign on the 23rd, the 24th, and morning of the 25th brings important people and events, and beautiful light.
Capricorn. Mercury in weeks 1 and 2 and Mars all month square you from Aries. This can bring interruptions and stress but may also perk you up.
The Sun and Venus in weeks 1, 2, and 3, and Mercury in weeks 3 and 4, Jupiter for another month, and Uranus until ’26 trine you from Taurus and bring calm, support, and resources.
Moon in your sign on the afternoon of the 25th, the 26th, and much of the 27 brings people and events.
Aquarius. The Sun and Venus and Jupiter in weeks 1, 2, and 3, and Mercury in weeks 3 and 4 square you from Taurus. Pursue you ideas but be mindful of the costs. Uranus is also squaring you from Taurus for a longer time. This is an opportunity to become more practical.
The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are trining you from Gemini in week 4. This brings people and ideas and benefits. Jupiter will bring good opportunities for a year.
Pluto is early in your sign for a while and bringing forceful things and people. Try to deal with these forces well.
Moon in your sign on the 1st, much of the 2nd, later on the 27th, the 28th, and most of the 29th brings people and ideas and important people and events early in the month.
Pisces. Saturn and Neptune are still in your sign. You can become practical and still be imaginative. Stay encouraged and focused.
The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in week 4 square you from Gemini. Be careful with communication especially when you are emotional.
Moon in your sign later on the 2nd, the 3rd, much of the 4th, later om the 29th, the 30th and 31st brings people and events and important people and events late in the month.