From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, July 2016
For those of you who are local, S.T.A.R. Guild Astrology study group meets on July 26th at the library in Cocoa Fl. at 308 Forrest, at 6pm. We will continue our look at Vocational Astrology borrowing from the book of the same name edited by Noel Tyl. Many astrologers contributed to this book and we will add their perspectives to apply to charts for insight on vocation as we go along. Please bring your own chart and any that you have vocational questions on. I’ll have my laptop and we will be hooked into the Borg.
In June, we had the Uranus Pluto square in cardinal signs, Mars in fixed sign Scorpio, and the Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter T square in mutable signs. Mars, planet of energy and war is strong in Scorpio. The various squares show ideological differences among other things. Please note that we only have cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs and they are all in tension now. This accounts for a lot of trouble.
Mars, planet of trouble and violence in most of 2016, is in only 2 signs do to slower motion. A more slowly moving planet brings events that are more enduring. Remember that during 2016, Mars is in Scorpio in Jan, Feb, June, and July. It is in Sag with Saturn in March, April, May, August, and September. Mars together with the squares mentioned above are why there is such turmoil. When we have an event in the world, we should see these things show up in important places in the chart. (Of course these things affect us personally also.) To see these charts please see my S.T.A.R. Guild Report for June ’16 on my site under star guild reports.
Here are a few comments on these charts of events during the recent past.
The E U has he same Libra Ascendant as the U.K. The E U is having its Saturn return and its Jupiter return. The Brexit vote took place with the Moon in Aquarius as it is in the E U chart. So, they were having a lunar return also. They need to rethink their philosophy and their goals to satisfy the Jupiter and Saturn returns. And their people are making a new start.
The Istanbul attack happened with Saturn very near the Sag M.C. And Mars in the wholesign 10th square the Aquarius Ascendant. The Moon was in its last quarter phase and right next to Uranus. Mars, Saturn, and Uranus are all highlighted. Fixed, mutable, and cardinal are all represented showing many people affected.
The pulse shooting chart has Uranus in the 1st and Pluto in the 10th, 0 Aries is rising. The first quarter Moon in Virgo is square Venus and past the mutable T square. Mars is opposing Mercury. Everything is in play. There are no planets or points left to mention.
Omar Mateen has Cancer rising. His Moon in Taurus opposes his Scorpio Sun and squares his Aquarius Mars in the 8th. His 5th consists of Venus, Pluto, Mercury, and the Sun. His passion and murderous act was directed to a place of entertainment.
He is having his Saturn return and this Saturn squares his Pisces M.C. with Jupiter very close by. He looks up to a religion that is very strict.
Disney World has Mercury, the Sun, Uranus, the Ascendant, and Venus in Libra in the 1st. Mars and the 10th ruling Moon, are in Aquarius in the 5th. Here is the alligator taking the boy away. For the event, Pluto is in the 1st and the Moon is in the 10th oppose Uranus. Mars in Scorpio disposes Uranus and is in a Finger of God with the Sun and Uranus. Saturn ruler of the 1st is in the 12th.
Finally, the Orlando chart has Saturn in Aquarius joining the Mars of Disney and of Mateen. And Orlando has Mars in Sagittarius where Saturn is currently traveling.
In July, Mars is still in Scorpio. It is direct and taking action is more efficient. Saturn squares Neptune and Jupiter is moving away from them. The Uranus Pluto square is a bit weaker. Stellar energies seem a bit weaker. Faster moving bodies in Cancer connect with Uranus and Pluto and then square Mars when in Leo. Let’s be wise in judgment, harmonious mentally, and positive in action.
New Moon in Cancer on the 3rd, 4th, and morning of the 5th represents a new start emotionally for us. Focus is on home and family and homeland. Please note the New Moon is on the 4th of July on the U.S. Sun. What new start will we be making? Full Moon is in Capricorn later on the 17th, the 18, and 19th. This contrasts downtown and at home views. Fairly good days this month are: 9, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, & 31.
I’ll be at Book and Bead on the 17th doing Astrology mini readings. And I will be talking at the Spiritualist Church on Melody Ln. at 10 am on the 24th.
Friend me on facebook and follow me on twitter. Call me if you need me. See my various articles on my site, including my Sun sign column.
My heart goes out to all of the victims refered to above.