April ’15 Newsletter

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, April ’15

For those of you who are local, S.T.A.R. Guild Astrology study group meets on the 4th Tues. of April on the 28th at 6 pm in Cocoa at the main library at 308 Forrest ave. We’ll continue to look at dispositors; this time that of Mercury, the Sun, and the final dispositor. Any charts of topical events are welcome as always. And bring your own chart. To see what we have been doing with this, please see my star guild reports on my site. Incidentally, a planet in a sign is disposed by the planet that rules that sign. So if someone has Venus in Aries, Mars would dispose and influence Venus.

I know we will have more data on the Germanwings crash soon. The departure chart has an out of sign applying opposition from the Taurus Moon to Saturn in Sag. And the Gemini Ascendant is past the Neptune Saturn square. So the problem was on board before take off. (We know this now because it was the co-pilot.) He was born Dec 18, 87 and has Mercury, Saturn, the Sun, and Uranus close together in Sagittarius. He has Mars close to Pluto in psychological Scorpio. The Moon, a psychological body, is either with Mars in Scorpio or with Saturn in Sag. Jupiter in competitive Aries disposes his Sag planets and Mars & Pluto dispose his Jupiter. Mars and Pluto are the final dispositors of the chart and have the “highest ranking”. Pluto and Mars in Scorpio is like saying “mass murder”. Saturn and Mars are important in his chart. Saturn is associated with depression and Mars with trouble. He was also having his Saturn return; Saturn is in the sign that it was in at his birth. This is a time when young people get a reality check and make new long term goals. Saturn has been affecting him strongly since at least Oct ’12, when it entered Scorpio. So depression and other problems of the psyche make sense to us. Astrologers are guardians of a treasure.

Top stories last month were about Iran’s nuclear program and the possible deal, Secretary Clinton’s email, and a powerful cyclone.

Hilary has a difficult grouping of planets in Leo squaring a group of planets in Scorpio. Scorpio is about secrets and Leo is about power. She’s had and been around both in her life.

Netanyahoo made his speech on the 3rd with the Moon and Jupiter in Leo, and Mercury in Aquarius. These are fixed signs and tie into very important planets in Israel’s chart and in Iran’s chart. And President Obama is a Leo with Aquarius rising. Fixed signs represent behavior or conditions that do not change.

Cyclone Pam happened in the South Pacific on the 13th not too long before a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the water sign Pisces on the 20th. A square between Mars/Uranus and Pluto at the time of the event was an extreme force.

In April, Mars squaring Jupiter requires that we counter this by using really good judgment.

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in middle Libra happens on the 3rd and 4th. Let’s harmonize our sense of self and how we relate. A little caution is wise. A New Moon late in Aries on the 17th and much of the 18th gives us a new young start.
Good days this month are:1, 2, 9, 15, 22, 28, & 29.

Call me if you need me for services.


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