From the Desk of Leslie Feb.’14

From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, Feb. 2014


For those of you who are local, S.T.A.R. Guild, Astrology study group, meets on Feb. 25th, at 6pm at the main library in Cocoa, Fl. on Forrest Ave. We discussed the grand cross happening in cardinal signs from Dec ’13 to August ’14 at January’s meeting. A traditional take on this is that it is tense and conflicted. So, this might not be a good time to start something important. We modern astrologers do encourage all of us to use the energy of each planet in a positive way to get something good out of it. For those who know their horoscopes, they know which houses these planets are acting upon. Generally, for Mars we take positive action, for Pluto, we cooperate in a group activity, for Uranus, we alow ourselves to be original, and for Jupiter, we look for the opportuities that are trying to find us. I was starting to feel that this cross might not be so bad and then on a day that the Moon was connecting to one of these planets, a few inches of snow shut down Atlanta and put many in danger by stranding them in their cars.

The Moon will stimulate this planetary structure when it is Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. That is ten days out of every month.

We’ll probably look at some of the following at the next meeting: singleton or unaspected planets, Ceres and Eris, a couple of neglected pilgrims that we have never gotten to, and Chris Christie. We’ll also be following up on the grand cross for months.

New Moon in Pisces on the 28th gives and opportunity to renew our spiritual and psychological lives. Full Moon in Leo later on the 12th, 13th, and 14th focuses on friends and lovers. And it’s Valentine’s Day.

Fairly good days this month are: 1, 2, 5, am 7, 8, 9, am 12, 16, am 17, 20, 23, & 28.


On my new web site you can see my Sun sign column, my following the Moon piece, my Astrology of 2013 and 2014, and my S.T.A.R. Guild report. And there is plenty more.


On Sunday, Feb. 9, I’ll participate with mini readings in a psychic fair at Book and Bead in Merritt Island.


On sunday Feb. 16, I’ll be talking about the Astrology of 2014 at our beautiful ashram in Palm Bay the Yoga Shakti Mission at 9:00 am.


Please call or email me if you need services. I’ve been in Astrology for 39 years, I’ve got credentials with 2 organizations, and I can help.





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