Aug. ’18 S.T.A.R. Guild Report

S.T.A.R. Guild Astrology Study Group Aug. ’18 Meeting Report

The object of this meeting was to collect data by seeing how the current transits are affecting us.

Member 1 has had Mars early in her Moon sign Aquarius at times, the Capricorn transits in her 10th, and Uranus has left her 1st. She defines herself as doing well, full of ideas, and fairly energetic. She is still enjoying her stimulating trip to the Monroe Institute before the eclipse in Leo that opposed her Aquarius Moon. Her positive mental state seems to be her biggest event. And her 1st trip to Monroe happened when Uranus went into Aries her 1st house. The Neptune Jupiter trine is conjunct and trine her 12th house Pisces Mars.

Member 2 has Uranus beginning to oppose Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in Scorpio in her 8th. And transiting Jupiter is passing through these planets. The Capricorn transits are in her 10th where she has Uranus & Neptune. I suggested that she take care with money and she mentioned that her mother helps her budget. She is a chef and notes that her boss is pushing her to develop new recipes. She is noting more sensitivity to others and the Neptune Jupiter trine is conjunct her Pisces Moon and trine it. She noted that she met someone under the Leo eclipse that was in her 5th house.

Member 3 has Uranus leaving her 10th house. Uranus entering her 10th corresponded to her getting a job with a company that she is still with. The Capricorn transits are in her 7th on her Mars and connecting with a T square & a mystic rectangle. She is having a lot of pain from old injuries. Jupiter is in her Sun sign and she has full time work now and better heath care. Correcting the injuries with surgeries is in the works.

Member 4 with Mars, the Sun, Mercury, and the Moon in Cancer is having some trouble with his house, plumbing etc. The Capricorn transits are in his 4th or 5th depending on house system. Uranus is trining his early Virgo Venus. We have our fingers crossed.

Member 5 has had Mars opposing his Leo Mars, and Uranus squaring it. The Capricorn transits are in his 6th where his Moon is located. He cites some annoying people and animals in his domicile and trouble sleeping.

Member 6 has transiting Uranus in her 1st opposing her Moon. Jupiter is in her 7th. The Capricorn planets are in her 9th with her MC. Mars has been squaring her Moon when in Aquarius. She is having some house issues, 2 of them plumbing. There are 3 handymen involved. There have been delays and one guy’s mug shot was found on the internet too late. The police have been contacted; too bad it’s civil. She published again this year right around the time of the Uranus sign shift for noting this shift and associating it with volcanoes. The article was written late in Dec.

Next month we will be looking at various charts of interest.

I’ll be at Book & Bead doing Astrology mini readings on Saturday, Sept. 22nd.


Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77
Hermetician Church of Light ’93
Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90

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