The Virus & Astrology.

The Virus and Astrology

Early May 2020

by Leslie Marlar

Most of us know someone who has been harmed physically or economically by the Coronavirus. Our hearts go out to them, we praise those who help, and we look to a quick recovery.

There is one thing that astrologers can be happy about in the current situation. It is that the sky and earth have just proven the case for astrology.

The biggest show in the sky has been the slow moving planets in later Capricorn and early Aquarius. And the biggest show on earth has been the virus. So, they connect.

Let’s see the short view and the long view.

Saturn conjuncted Pluto on Jan. 12th ’20. Saturn was approaching Pluto in mid Nov. ’19 and they will remain near throughout 2020. These two translate to extreme loss. The virus is said to have started in min-Nov. ’19 in Wuhan and various levels of it or related events could persist for a while.

Jupiter joined these two by sign on Dec. 2. and stays in Capricorn throughout most of 2020. This translates to help coming to the problem but also to difficulties for the helpers.

Mars joined these planets in Capricorn and early Aquarius from mid-Feb. until April. Mars was with Jupiter on March 20th. It was with Pluto on March 23rd. And it was with Saturn on March 31. The virus was named a pandemic on March 11th and around the time of these conjunctions, our awareness of it and events with it were in full force.

At this time in early May, let’s go back to old methods and go outside before dawn. Looking to the southeast, we will see bright Jupiter near Saturn. We will also see Mars further east. Over recent time we can see it moving away. In two years when it is back in this area, these slow planets will be spread out in different signs.

We can really say, “As above, so below”.

March 20th 2020

In Astrology, we are always comparing planetary events in the sky with events on earth. As we experience the coronavirus on earth, we look to the sky to see the event there that is causing it. A huge event has been happening. Four planets are in the sign, Capricorn, the sign of business and government. A lineup of planets in one sign is always important. These are visible in the early morning around 6 am. When viewed, we see Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Pluto can’t be seen but we know that it is there. Watching these planets move together should be events within the life of the virus. Mars is coming to Jupiter around March 20 and Mars is coming to invisible Pluto around March 23. Mars is coming to Saturn around March 31 with both in Aquarius. Mars is important because it is one of the planets that we associate with anything invasive. We can also call the virus, Pluto. Jupiter is coming to Pluto in late March and early April. All these planetary events represent virus events. By mid April the main planetary events seem to be over. Events can outlast their beginnings but it is encouraging that these major planetary events will be over soon.

If we look to the beginning of the virus, we see Saturn and Pluto coming together on Jan. 12th. Saturn is associated with loss and Pluto is extreme. So the translation is extreme loss. I’ve heard Nov. 17th noted as the beginning of the virus in China. At that time, Saturn was 5 degrees from Pluto. That is close enough for a beginning of an event.

A bit more detail is necessary. When Mars comes to Jupiter, the virus expands but also meets therapeutics. When it comes to Pluto, it becomes more extreme. Saturn and Mars going to Aquarius and away from the Capricorn planets also shows a shift in the virus. Jupiter coming to Pluto also expands the virus but brings therapeutics to it. Jupiter expands, but also brings help.