S.T.A.R. Guild March and April Skype Meetings ’21
In late March we looked at Mars in Gemini and Saturn square Uranus in our charts. This is always an opportunity to learn. Plenty of events were shared. One in our group has many planets in Libra, and the trine from Mars in her 6th has given her an energetic approach to her work. And another who has transiting Mars in her 2nd is considering getting a Jeep Gladiator.
Two in our group have Saturn square Uranus in their charts in cardinal signs. One has it in fixed signs. One has the Sun square Moon in fixed signs and it is being affected. Tiger Woods has the square in fixed signs and he has had an event.
We will continue to discuss this square, which lasts all year, in April, and note Mars in Cancer and its effects on us.
In addition to the square and Mars, we will start looking at Sun Moon blends and solar arcs. We will note people in the news and history as always.
If you want to join us and are not on my list, message me on skype and I will add you to the list for a group call.
I’ll be at Island Crystal & Bead on Saturday, May 15th doing astrology readings.
Email if you need me.
Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI ’77
Hermetician Church of Light ’93
Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins ’90