S.T.A.R. Guild Oct. ’17 Report
The Guild met on Oct. 24th and looked at member charts in the solar house system. We looked at 7 charts and our results were interesting.
Chart 1. This member has a New Moon in Cancer square Pluto and Saturn in the 4th house. I asked him how he got along with his family. He said fairly well and then proceeded to tell us that they had moved back to Europe. He is the only family member born here. This was something we did not know about him and had fun trying to guess the country in Europe.
Chart 2. This member has Mars opposing a Libra Sun. She’s had two mates and enough trouble with both to call it quits. Personal planets in the 2nd oppose difficult planets in the 8th , including Uranus and Saturn, represents investment losses.
Chart 3. This member has the Sun in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius and square Neptune in Virgo. She has sound good judgment and is also intuitive and a fine astrologer. Personal planets in the 2nd oppose a Capricorn Moon in the 8th and she was a bookkeeper for a successful firm. She explained her Jupiter in Leo in the 3rd as loving school and being favored in school.
Chart 4. This person has the Sun with Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury in Scorpio in the solar first. With transiting Jupiter in Scorpio he had a successful medical procedure to fix a problem on his scalp.
Chart 5. This Sun in Scorpio with Mars and Venus claims an explosion of psychic activity since transiting Jupiter went into Scorpio. She has Jupiter in Pisces in the 5th and Saturn in Cancer in the 9th and home schools her children. She has the Moon in Aries in the 6th and says that she never starts a project that she cannot finish in a day. I’ve seen this in another Moon in Aries that I know.
Chart 6. This person has a Virgo Sun with Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto. I’m noting just now how intelligent he is. The Sun is trine the Moon in Capricorn and trine Jupiter in Taurus. He says that he is organized. I always expect him to be happier and more optimistic than he is but he has all that Virgo and Mercury opposing Saturn.
Chart 7. This Gemini has a trine to an Aquarian Moon in the 8th and Venus in the 2nd wholesign house and was able to retire early due to her mate’s finances. She has Mars in Pisces and Neptune in Virgo in the 4th, making a strong T square to her Sun. Home life and parents were and are not problematic. She has a very strong metaphysical lean and frequents the Monroe center in Virginia.
Conclusion. The solar house charts told us important things about the member in an obvious manner. We saw both situations in life and current events due to transits.
4 of the 7 had Venus in the wholesign 2nd. One take on this is that it frees up a person to pursue an interest, like Astrology.
2 of the 7 had Neptune in the 12 and two others has Neptune square Sun. at least 3 of these 4 had ghost experiences.
Does our interest in Astrology show up? Of these members we have, Uranus conjunct Jupiter, Uranus in the Moon sign, a strong Uranus square Moon, Uranus oppose Moon, Uranus with Mercury and Mars, Uranus with Mercury and Pluto, and a wide Moon square Uranus. In terms of houses, in the solar, one has an angular Uranus when using wholesign houses. In timed charts, 3 have an angular Uranus using wholesign. Two have an angular Uranus using wholesign or palacidus. And one has an angular Uranus using placidus but it is in the weaker territory of the house.
Next month we will finish this look at members’ solar charts and present many charts of recent events and people in the news. The word is out that many of these events are associated with the eclipse season that we experienced 2 months ago. Although there are additional correspondents to these events, I agree.